In addition to node progression being a factor on map generation, zones in Ashes of Creation will cater to all levels.

For example, you may hear a rumor in a tavern that tells you the location of a cave full of weak Kobolds, but this was not accurate as the rumor was started by well-equipped bandits in order to waylay overconfident adventurers.

The world is also full of imperfect information, which will require the player to act on it for verification. Players will not be able to see the world until they have explored it or gathered information about it. This map is not randomly generated, and begins covered in a fog of war. The world of Verra features an in-game viewable world map. But the main two continents and their points of interest have a lot of the same. Obviously some adjustments had to be made for the mmorpg. The original Ashes map from my pathfinder world of Ashes made 10 years ago.