A mistake will most likely kill you when you get inside. Make sure all your god-related protection is equipped.Turn on Protect from Melee, and click on the run icon when your run energy restores to reach the entrance faster. There are several aggressive ice wolves near the entrance.This effect can be completely negated if you have lit the fire pit found south-west of the dungeon entrance, which requires completion of Making Friends with My Arm. This area's chill effect drains your stats by 1, and will also drain all of your run and special energy. Once past the boulder or through the shortcut, you will reach an icy, cold area before the dungeon entrance.Players cannot use the shortcut from the Wilderness to get to the GWD area. Note: The Agility shortcut (climb the rocky stoneholds) further to the north-east is a one-way route from the GWD area into level 31 Wilderness at the Forgotten Cemetery.Alternatively, use the Agility shortcut (requires level 60 Agility), which is sliding past the same rock, instead of lifting it.Push the boulder (requires level 60 Strength). There will be a path that leads from the Fremennik Province to the land of the trolls. Lastly, if you have a player owned house in Rellekka, teleport there using the Teleport to House spell or House Teleport tab, and walking east from there.Then, follow said path, and do Steps 2-6 as noted above. Alternatively, if you have a player owned house (POH) in Taverley, you can teleport there using the Teleport to House spell or House Teleport tab, and walking north from there.

From there, enter the cave to the north, follow the map route up to the north. Make your way north and follow the route through to where Dad is: either you will have to fight him, or he won't be there, depending on how far along the Troll Stronghold quest you are. From there, follow the blue route either up past the wounded soldier and past Death Plateau, making sure to Protect from Range, or go south-west at the fork to Tenzing's house.

If you have completed Eadgar's Ruse, and have level 61 magic, you may use the teleport to land on top of the mountain east of the Troll Stronghold.There are two ways to reach the God Wars Dungeon: via the Trollheim Teleport (1) or via Burthorpe & Death Plateau (2), as shown on the map to the right. Green indicates the use of Protect from Range, and cyan is where Protect from Melee should be activated.Īccessing God Wars Dungeon requires partial completion of Troll Stronghold, Climbing boots (if you haven't completed Eadgar's Ruse or have level 61 magic) and a rope the first time. The red route is taken from the Trollheim Teleport. The blue route denotes coming from Burthorpe.